Why You Need Peptides for Skin Care in 2019

Why You Need Peptides for Skin Care in 2019

At first glance, peptides sound like a magic ingredient. Able to reduce the appearance of aging and even heal your skin?

Surely they’re too good to be true?

Not so. Research into the use of peptides showed they reduced the total surface area of wrinkles in 75 percent of participants.

That’s not to be ignored. And that’s only a small part of the benefits of using peptides.

But there are hundreds of peptides to choose from. Their scientific nature can put people off – or think they’re just marketing jargon. You could be missing out if you decide to skip peptides.

Are you wondering why you need peptides for skin care in 2019? Read on to learn more about this essential part of your new routine!

What Are Peptides?

Collagen is the main material that makes up your skin. It’s a protein made up of long chains of amino acids. These chains are known as peptides.

So when you see ‘peptides’ on a label, it’s not just a marketing trick. Peptides are an ingredient derived from the body.

Certain combinations of amino acids make different peptides, which is why there are so many listed on beauty products.

Collagen helps to provide the thickness for the skin. When you’re under 30, your body produces plenty of collagen, which is why you have smoother and tighter skin.

Once you get beyond 30, collagen forms at a much slower rate. 

At around 40, the body stops producing collagen and existing collagen starts to break up. This thins the skin and can lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Both smoking and exposing your skin to UV radiation (through tanning or not using sunscreen on a regular basis) can lead to collagen breakdown.

What Do Peptides Do for Skin?

When collagen breaks down, it also breaks these chains of amino acids apart. These peptides tell your skin it’s losing collagen and it should make more. Think of them like helpful signals.

Applying peptides topically makes your skin think it’s losing collagen. This message triggers the production of more collagen, helping to minimize wrinkles.

Collagen molecules are too big to be absorbed into the skin. But peptides are small enough to penetrate.

Choosing a cream or a gel containing peptides is the best way to apply them. This gives them time to absorb into the skin where they’ll do their best work.

Over time, you’ll notice smoother skin and you should start to regain lost elasticity to your skin. Consistent use will give you the best results.

The advantage to peptides is they already exist in the skin. But strangely, this is one area where ‘natural’ isn’t necessarily the best option.

In their natural form, peptides are unstable and quite fragile. Their synthetic counterparts are much more robust, meaning they can be safely absorbed into the skin where they can do their job properly.

It’s just one way to help defeat aging. They won’t entirely make you look younger overnight. Combine peptide skin care with a good diet, plenty of sleep, and sunscreen for maximum impact.

What Are the Benefits of Peptides?

As well as smoothing wrinkles, peptides can help repair wounds or improve dermatitis and eczema. Peptides can even reduce the appearance of rosacea.

Best of all, peptides don’t lead to any side effects as Retinol or Vitamin A can. It’s important to care what ingredients are in your skin products.

You should also pick a product that includes other ingredients, such as antioxidants. That’ll give you additional benefits on top of the peptides alone and they will help maintain the collagen you have.

And there are actually three main types of peptides. Signal peptides tell the skin to make more collagen. Carrier peptides work like a delivery system to pass copper to enzymes within the body.

The last group work to inhibit signals sent by nerves which, in theory, act as a form of Botox. There’s no real evidence to suggest the last group works as marketed so focus on other peptide types.

Remember, no single peptide does everything. So you need to choose the right peptides for you. But with so many peptides available, it can be overwhelming to know which one to choose. 

What Are the Best Peptides for Skin?

A common skin care peptide is Matrixyl (palmitoyl- or oligopeptide pentapeptide). This contains two amino acids and helps encourage the creation of elastin, as well as collagen.

As a neuropeptide, it penetrates to the deeper layers of the skin. Studies show it can even double collagen production when it’s used in skin cream.

Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 and Myristoyl Hexapeptide-16 help to minimize redness. Meanwhile, if you want to minimize pigmentation like age spots, Azelaoyl Bis-Dipeptide-10 is the best peptide to choose.

Octapeptide helps lengthen the small muscles under your skin. It also reduces muscle tension to help minimize fine lines.

Tripeptide-1 helps improve firmness while Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 or Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-12 can help to smooth out wrinkles and strengthen the skin, which boosts hydration.

Copper tripeptide has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can calm inflammation and heal wounds. The beauty of copper peptides is they encourage the body to maintain the collagen it generates.

Peptides based on keratin also help your hair and skin retain moisture and boost elasticity. Keratin is the main building block of your hair and nails

Some preparations contain a combination of peptides so you get the benefit of all of them. Try to avoid products that are water-based since water can deactivate peptides.

Peptides Pack a Punch in the Skin Care World

Now you know exactly why you need peptides for skin care in 2019. Peptides can help with hydrating, brightening or plumping your skin.

And with no nasty side effects, you can enjoy smoother, younger-looking skin within days. Science is on the side of peptides, with evidence to support the claims that they help improve the appearance of skin.

Interested in trying peptides for yourself?

Why not check out our peptide serum? As well as peptides, it also contains Vitamin E and hyaluronic acid for extra age-defeating power.

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